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Subnautica: Below Zero #7-8 [Patreon]



FINALLY I've been dying to see this. Also since you know about every leviathan by now, which one is the scariest?

Bum Dandy

Hey Chris, how can I tell which tier I’m subscribed to? Also what are the benefits to each tier? I’ve been a patron for about two years and I plan to continue on, I love your content, just not sure what the difference is for what tier I’m subscribed to vs the others.


Hey there! You're Tier 2, which gives you access to everything. The main difference between Tier 1 and 2 is that Tier 2 includes access to exclusive videos and name in the credits.

morgan baker

We need a titanfall 2 series ughhhhhhhh please do it Chris 🤟🤟