(ver. with Text) One Suit to Bind Them All (Konosuba) (Patreon)
"Hey Aqua, wanna do a solo dungeon run? It's perfectly safe for someone as strong as you, plus you get to keep all the treasure!"
These words still ring in her ears, her body powerless to resist the advances of the goblins, her final thoughts being pulled away from underneath her as she finally gives up resistance and lets herself fall to the pleasure of total obedience.
To think that it all started because of one trapped treasure chest... but that is the price one pays if their vigilance is overshadowed by their greed.
In the end, Aqua got lucky. She has people that care for her, people that reported her disappearance to the local guild. A similar fate has befallen other adventurers all over the continent, but no one comes to save them. I suppose that is the true power of friendship.