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The last part for the Greg Martin series! We look at the Sonic game is favorite for a lot people.

IMAGE 1: This is Greg Martin's first ever Sonic 2 cover work. The design is very different to the final! But I think is quite cute..

IMAGE 2: This is the Sketched work for the final cover art design. Before color.

IMAGE 3: The final cover art finished for the Mega Drive box in USA and european shops!!

IMAGE 4: OMAKE! This is the Japanese Sonic 2 cover so you can compare it.




Interestingly the final cover also inspired the box art for the movie 🎬


Always loved the japanese cover


Love the Sonic 2 artwork. I wouldn’t have minded Image 1, but the end product was just as good in my eyes. Of course, that could be me looking through rose-tinted, nostalgia-filled glasses.