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When I think about Galaxian it is very old retro graphics with small simple aliens to shoot. But for Galaxian 3 Namco decide to make something very special in 1992!!

In Part One I talk about the special 28 Player Galaxian 3 that was built for Expo '90 国際花と緑の博覧会 in a round room.. In Part Two you see the video inside!

After this Namco want to make the same experience for sale in arcades. It became Galaxian 3 arcade theatre experience for 6 players where you would sit together inside a small cinema with a screen that curve around. The room was not 360 but the seat will still jump and shake with explosions!

It use the Laserdisc technology to show a 3D movie in the background. But the enemy ships to shoot were real 3D sprites so your laser guns can blow them up. All players must share the health together as a team!

It would be a very exciting experience with big sound and fast flying space battles. There are only 3 stages and the game is quite short if you can survive where in the end you fly down to the planet and inside the enemy's base!! 🤗

It was released on Sony's first PlayStation also.. but this experience feel very small and different now. At least you can see what it might be like at the full size!!

I have include some pic where you can see the theatre being take apart also. Quite interesting!




This a BIG unit🌌💥🛩💘¤------🔫😉


It's so fascinating 🤯




To find video: 🏷galaxian👈press


Sorry, I completely spaced out. Thanks!