Gaming Historica | All About the Xbox 360 Japan Mascot (Patreon)
I am sure you have seen her before. The Xbox 360 is not popular console in Japan but Microsoft do try hard to get people to be interested. They even have a good deal with CAVE company for their famous shooting games which all came to 360. 😋
But may be the most famous thing about it was this special anime art made by Akio Watanabe for the free Xbox 360 magazine! Even now the design is so nice that many people know her very well!
I have manage to find the most high resolution and cleaner image that I can for this art.
EDIT:: Mr Jeffrey upscale the image! It is now much bigger. Just problem with the AI upscale that some part become blurry.. so i did leave both version here to download 😋
You can download it below: