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Yes they stealing Mai boobs on the English artwork for SVC Chaos and you can see that even on the Steam page 😳

Why do these terrible thing 😵‍💫



miserable coconut

So sad to see what they have done to Mai, censorship in games is quite bad these days. I suppose they go away with a lot back then.


Its blatant hypocrisy when they censor but they allow blood. Yeah, inconsistency in ethics and policies, I say fuck all that and just give me everything the Japanese artist intended! Screw their ethics department! They're not paid to tell us how to enjoy our games.


It's a strange thing in America. Blood and violence is fine but boobs are too much. It's quite odd really 😕

miserable coconut

Theres a lot of people who don't like anything like that in video games.. they ruin the fun

James Waddell III

Yes, I hate censorship in games/art/movies that get ported to the US.


Did they really need to censor her cleavage? They're fine the way they are.


Incredible that in this days still happen this