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I am try to do some new things here. What a mess!! 😅😅

My new old CRT Panasonic TV is so big is 29 inch screen 😵‍💫



Jonathan Wilson

I used to strain my back carrying those monsters around 😬 do you have anything from your childhood in there?


I only have a 14 inch crt tv old

Jonathan Wilson

Mess? You should have seen the one my dogs made in the house when I came back from a wedding!! 😬

Jonathan Wilson

Cool! I got my base sega genesis 3rd gen and controller still, I have to treat it gentle and blow the cartridge and reset alot with some games.


That's a lot of games.


So many good systems there. I like that clear blue star wars. Mine was plain grey. And I miss playing on my super Nintendo, it's still my favorite system. Congratulations on the CRT, I Only have room for 1 LCD TV nowadays, but would be cool to set everything up again one day when I move again. I'd make a shelf for each system and put light strips behind each system if I had the room.


You've been busy with social media mess 🆕️🆒️🆗️ explains carrying t.v. like balancing a piece of glass the taller the heavier the tip. I appreciate the time you put into your social media outlets.


Jealous of that collection. Really makes me wish my siblings and I kept all those game systems from our youth. Don’t miss trying to lug around those TVs, though.


It may be messy, but nice stuff though 👍


Showed this to my mother. She said "Wow, she has every type of game"


Thank you mr Daryl that is kind! I work hard in here so happy you guys are enjoy it! 🤗


Yes the crt I get cheap . Too heavy 🥵 but is cool to have now. I want try Tetris on here

James Waddell III

No, that CRT is perfect. My last CRT was a 20 inch Sony Trinitron that I bought in 2000. I wish I still had it now.