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(くにおくんのドッジボールだよ全員集合!トーナメントスペシャル) Is a special gold Tournament Edition cartridge. The Dodgeball game was used by Technos in a tournament in Japan that were called Technos Japan’s Dodgeball Tournament in the 1993..

For the winner in eight regions of Japan a special gold game cartridge was given inside a special standing case! And here you can see that prize in the pics where it say Winner on the writing.

They only made 8 these stands. There were 50 gold cartridge made without the special stands that went to different shops for prizes.

Why is it special? Well the gold cartridge version is very rare of course…. But actually this version only has one mode to play inside but that mode is for two players .. that is the same cartridge used in the competition!

These cartridge with special case has been on sale for $15,000 USD 😮



Christopher Laden

Used to play the Dodgeville game, back when I was a kid and had no knowledge of Kunio-kun! Gonna have to find a copy now


Always been a fan of the Super Vball game of the NES that you can play Billy and Jimmy of Double Dragon...i don' know it is related...anyway the cartridge is beautiful...and expensive too!😅

Christopher Laden

My preferred Kunio games will always be his original River City Ransom! I forget the Japanese title.