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The Neo Geo Pocket was a black and white console release in 1998.

But Game Boy Color just appear and make it out of date. In 1999 SNK release the new color version Neo Geo Pocket Color

This console launch with 14 games which was a new record at that time. The screen and control thumb stick is very good and the SNK fighting games were all cute and made very well ♥️

But SNK have few problems at this time. The Neo Geo arcade console sale are slowing down and the new Hyper Neo Geo 64 is not do well with gamers. . And the Game Boy Color is very strong and hard to beat for hand held gaming.

In 2001 the Neo Geo Pocket color factory is closed. There were 73 games made for this console and most were made by SNK own teams.

After this SNK are now bankrupt and sold to American Pachinko machine company Aruze.

Today many people remember it was great hand held console! And enjoy it a lot ♥️ 😄

Do you have one?



Jacob the ZombieFighter

I don’t own one myself, but I first heard about the neo Geo from a podcast called Completely Unnecessary podcast or CUPod for short. Both cohosts are being into retro gaming, and one used to work in a game store. I think a few in person before, but I’ve never ended up buying one. I have played some of the SNK fighting games which is where part of my name comes from. I was never the best, but I always really enjoyed them.

James Waddell III

Yes, I did have a Pocket Color when it came out in 1999. I never knew there was a B&W one.


The Neo Geo pocket is like a small cute Neo Geo . All the fighting game are there and metal slug too!


I never got one but glad I can enjoy the games on my MiSTer FPGA. One day I'd like to pick one up for my collection.

Jacob the ZombieFighter

Ooh nice!! I have played a little bit of metal slug but it was forever ago. I hope you get to enjoy all of those cool games!


Another sad gaming story;before the only two hand held's I had was a Gameboy and later Gameboy Advance Sisi💫

Lun R

I am shocked that there is an American manufacturer of Pachinko machines.

Lun R

I have a pocket color but didn't know that the greyscale machine existed. Seems the opposite of what SNK was all about.

Lun R

Learned a bunch. Thank you Sisi.


I didn't have one but it is one of that maybe i would buy at good price😊