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Hey everyone, the next few weeks I'll be quite busy with that comic project I've mentioned before. Hope you guys enjoyed the recent comic strips, and the desert arc of the road trip so far. It's still ongoing of course, just a little slower now. Was thinking of deleting the 'deleted scenes' post I did yesterday to avoid confusion in the flow of the desert arc posts.

Anyways, what you guys are hoping to see those boys doing next at the motel?

rough ideas I had so far are:

Escaped alien disguise as hitchhiker from Area 51?

Vlad taken by a UFO

Ghost miners

Biker Gang

Bar Fight?

Mechanical Bull

Shai Hulud

Men in Black?



Maybe they go to a ocean beach house?


Take all the time you need and don't overwork yourself. I kinda enjoy the irregularities in your posts. It's always a nice surprise when I get the notification. Instead of deleting the post, why not create a new folder for this extra stuff? Instead


Maybe they take a ride to hell to visit tobias parents?

Pol RaDaemon

oooh I am liking the ghost miners! Or maybe some first nations ghosts and spirits! Nah, don't delete the post, you explained where it goes so it's been filed inthe correc tfolder ;) x

Daryl Toh

Thank you, I will try my best not to burn myself out. I would consider that option but for now I'll keep the post up. It's just my rash impulses when I felt unsure of my work. Even self rejected ones. XD

Michael Smith

Oooo escape alien would be awesome Can't wait to see what you do next And YOUR AWESOME

Daryl Toh

Ooo I would love to add those two in the beach arc since it's gonna loosely based in Mexico


Trek though the jungle maybe? 🧐


A rescue mission for Vlad sounds fun.


I vote for disguised aliens if their disguises are comically bad. Just absolutely not fooling anybody.

Daryl Toh

For the beach arc. Like Patreon member Gabe suggested jungle and a temple (maybe guarded by a lost tribe?) :p

Keizer McAsian

Biker Gang would be the most common but Vlad getting taken by a UFO and they get freaked out by Vlad would be something to explore on <3 take your time with the comics :D we'll be just right here ^_^

Ian Gazzotti

Ghost riders and mechanical bull! Also adding a vote for not deleting the outtakes. Maybe add a tag in the title to make it clearer they're not part of the current arc?

Alex Naranjo

Ohh, maybe a mechanical bull that turns into a bar fight?


how about Shai Hulud's kids vacationing in the desert, being watched over by Men(?) in Black - and Vlad sneaks on their return 'taxi' and they have to kick him out xD

David Perry

Why not all of them? It could be that the boys and Vlad find themselves in a cosmic mashup, and by the time the night is over, all three are walking funny and Vlad is hiding behind the refrigerator...

Trevor Curtice

One-up one of them: werewolf biker gang on a full moon!

Carlos Melero

The Vlad story seems fun :D


I love the Shai Hulud idea. I will also drop the idea about indigenous people's mythology like this one here... https://www.legendsofamerica.com/az-legends/#:~:text=at%20Squaw%20Peak-,Horned%20Toad%20and%20Giants,as%20to%20dine%20on%20Moquis.


Heya! If you’re open to it, how about a body swap? 🤔 It could be amongst the guys or could be involve some spirits in the hotel. Like a lighthearted comic on a ghost experiencing life again or perhaps a more seriously tone like the paranormal comic you made? Just some ideas ☺️


Honestly love all these ideas! As someone who lives in the desert southwest, I’m just hyped to be along for the ride and seeing your characters in what is essentially my home.