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The revelations on the origins of the werewolf comes to a conclusion. I'm pretty stoked to reached this far with the comic after months of planning. Stay tuned for the epilogue chapter soon. 

Thank you all, for taking this crazy trip with me this far. 



Ian Gazzotti

Cathartic dream sequence, it's good for the soul and undoing transformations!

Taylor T

I really liked the transformation sequence. Hope to see more of the case files and the wolfman! Always liked werewolves 😄


So good. ❤️🔥🙏🏼

Allan Meyer

Ya lose a backpack but gain a werewolf boyfriend- everyone wins.


Love the backstory! Hope to see more of Gabe and Alex in future comics :)

Kibble the Satyr

Omg omg omg. This is amazing and dang dude... love how dark you get.



Cameran Sandlin

they could only defeat it together