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Before we come to another year's end, I just want to thank you for your continuous support, for my comics and illustrations, really thank you all, the ones that really stick around, for believing in me, in the work I do. 

Sometimes thank you is never enough, to let you all know how much I've appreciated the  support you've given me, when sometimes I feel like I'm not giving my best in return here, or when I have my doubts, my times of creative burnouts, or when I'm struggling to love my own work. 

I wanted to write big elaborate stories, complex plots with engaging characters, but I struggled and I often failed - that's a known weakness I have. However I realized my other  strengths - in creating smaller shorter strips, humorous moments, intimate ones, and that's okay. I think this year as I grow older towards my mid-30s, I come to accept a lot of what I can change or do, and what I can't. As long as time is still in my hands, I'll keep trying to do my best; To keep drawing, keep telling stories, even if its short or just a single strip.

Have a Merry Christmas everyone! Be safe and have a good one with your loved ones, or wherever you are. Take care and I see you soon. 



Tyler Mann

Thanks for all the amazing work and silly comedy comics you do, thanks for being a friend, for all the mouths you drew these past years ;) have a great new year ❤️

Kibble the Satyr

Your work has been wonderful throughout the entire year, and it’s been awesome to get to see the stories you’ve told using your talents. Merry Christmas, Daryl ❤️


Keep doing you!


It takes courage to keep going on, to learn about yourself and to be honest with yourself. It's hard work. May you have the rest and growth you need and want in the coming year!


Your work has been amazing all year, especially enjoyed Gabe's backstory and <3 Tobias and Guy. More than happy to keep supporting you. If you ever consider doing prints again or merch would be all over that too.

Brett H.

Thanks for all the wonderful comics and art you’ve put out for all of us—I always love to see what you came out with next. Merry Christmas!

Allan Meyer

The candy cane… I’m in love


Your stories have inspired stories of our own, sometimes even life-changing ones, your artwork has given me courage when I needed it or just a laugh at the precise time and for that I cannot thank you enough, here's to the future ¡Happy Holidays!

Mister Fulgence

I wish you all the love, happiness and creativity! You have inspired me through the years with your art and I’m so thankful to you. Your stories, landscapes, characters emotions and ambiance of your drawings have touched my soul in ways I don’t understand, nor do I want to as I just enjoy the ride. :)