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Part I of the gym workout scene. As mentioned previously, this is a light hearted traditional animation scene without too much story or dialogue. I always wanted more gym scenes, but it's not very popular on the HUB. So why not make my own right :) Part I is all about teasing (I added a Cum animation this time for experiment). Part II will have a lot more sex.

I didn't force a auto camera in this scene, but you can used "Backspace" key to possess the Trainer.

*** Use "Backspace" key at anytime to toggle POV ***

*** Also recommend to turn off the GYM asset, it has a high impact on FPS, it can be turned off in the UI ***

You will get to pick many different workouts after the warmup animation ("Pick Excercise" button on top right of the screen).

Download links are in discord, if you have issue access Disocrd channel, please direct message me on Patreon.

Have a great weekend guys!




😀heck ya love your work always awesome stuff can't wait to check it out


I have some issue with the scene in VR, everything went into smaller scale

逍遥 吕



When you hit "B" to open up the menu, there is a thin narrow button that says "more options". You want to change the "world scale" to 1. It's currently set to 2 or -2 which makes everything look half sized.

铁 凌

场景非常棒,期待part2,另外后面可以多做些NTR的场景吗 特别喜欢


I really like your scenes and the gym is one of the best ones actually, but the VR behavior is really terrible on the Quest 3. I also figured it out that you can work around a bit with the scene scaling to at least be able to press but its really not fun this way and super annoying to like have to close your left eye and watch like 45° to the right. So please provide a fix for VR such as being able to place the menu in the room or something like that, not professional this way, thanks.


See if eclipse's comment work for you: "When you hit "B" to open up the menu, there is a thin narrow button that says "more options". You want to change the "world scale" to 1. It's currently set to 2 or -2 which makes everything look half sized. "


Thanks for the hint, figured this out already myself when I watched the scene but it still was barely at the absolute outer perisphere, may be he has a different VR headset with a different FOV. For me as also being "left eyed" it was extremely annoying till unusable this way . Either I had to watch like extreme to the right or I had to make the scale so small that it was barely still readable. As posted already were great if you could just make the UI togglable so it sticks somewhere in the room.


很喜欢健身房这个题材 非常有趣 可以说为这个场景而来 希望能有更多这类情趣玩法题材的场景出现


Part 2 must be when the REAL action starts.

Mad Scientist

I cant find the VAMKirito dependency

VAMSOY (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-26 03:19:00 Not needed
2024-05-25 06:50:47 Not needed

Not needed