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Finished this before the month end, now I have more time to work on the next scene :) TBH I got a little bit burnt out working on this scene (thus all the side projects).

Continuing the story of part 1, I'm sure you guys all knew what's gona happen right?.

A lot of people has sent me feedback on how they don't like too much dialogues in the scene, because they kind of break the immersion. So I tried to keep the dialogues at a minimum this time (still need at least a couple lines to set up the story thou, but no more talking when the action starts!). Hopefully this strike a balance for story scenes.

Download links are already on Discord (Message me on Patreon if you don't use discord, I will send the link directly to you).

Please consider give a thumb up on the HUB if you like it, THANK YOU guys!!






Should do a glory hole scene next



Yu lu
