2024 is half way over! With your amazing support, I've created quite a few scenes. I enjoyed creating every single one of them (Except Hospital Part2, I got bored on that one). Although I've been getting a lot of feedback from you guys via private message on the scenes, I still want to do an "official" poll and see what are the most popular ones. This will provide me insight on what kind of scenes to focus on going forward. I want to strike a balance between what I personally love and what my supporters love. I will also share my road map for Q3 2024 this weekend! Already have 5 new scenes in process.
Please pick THREE of your favorite scenes from the list.
2024过了大半年了,非常感谢所有兄弟的支持!没有你们的支持就不会有这些创作! 我想看看在2024上半年的作品中,哪些是兄弟们最喜爱的。