Notice of delay in closing (Patreon)
I'm sorry, but there's a problem with the keyboard I'm using while working on it and it's not working. I'm currently taking action, but I think it's difficult to deliver the reward today because I had to work on it by today. I'll try to complete it and deliver it by tomorrow.
Currently, the base color of the last illustration is completed, and it is expected that it will not take long.
I'm sorry, but there's a problem with the keyboard I'm using while working on it and it's not working. I'm currently taking action, but I think it's difficult to deliver the reward today because I had to work on it by today. I'll try to complete it and deliver it by tomorrow.
Currently, the base color of the last illustration is completed, and it is expected that it will not take long.
죄송합니다. 작업 중에 사용중인 키보드에 문제가 생겨 작동이 되지 않고 있습니다. 현재 조치를 취하고 있는데 오늘까지 작업을 해야 완성이 될 수 있었기에 금일 보상 전달이 힘들것 같습니다. 내일까지는 완수하여 전달되도록 노력하겠습니다.
현재 마지막 일러스트의 밑색까지 완료되어 있고, 오래 걸리지 않을 거라 예상됩니다.
抱歉。 操作过程中键盘出现问题, 无法正常工作 。 目前正在采取措施,但必须在今天之前完成才能完成,所以今天很难传达补偿。 我会努力在明天之前完成并传达。
抱歉。 操作過程中鍵盤出現問題, 無法正常工作 。 目前正在採取措施,但必須在今天之前完成才能完成,所以今天很難傳達補償。 我會努力在明天之前完成並傳達。