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A unanimous Supreme Court restores Trump to the Colorado ballot : NPR

Jamie Raskin One-Ups Supreme Court With Plan to Kick Trump off Ballot | The New Republic

McConnell to Step Down as Senate Republican Leader at the End of the Year - The New York Times

Republicans Increasingly Reveal They Barely Know Where Babies Come From

The Moms for Liberty 60 Minutes interview was such a disaster that their allies are scrambling to do damage control | Media Matters for America

MTG Rages at U.K. Journo’s Jewish Space Laser Question: ‘F*ck Off’

AI-generated images of Trump with Black voters being spread by supporters

German Man Who Received 217 COVID Vaccines Has Functioning Immune System | Technology Networks



Y’all gotta work on the timing. I thought this week was another no video episode. Can you just release both the audio and the video feeds simultaneously like you use to? Why the delay?


Also, I was a $5/show patron for more than a year and just downgraded in January. Never got a ringtone/voicemail recording.


There's been a few people who had the idea of letting an AI both illustrate Zork (and other Infocom games like Planetfall and Hitchhiker's Guide) and try to play the game themselves. The AI had problems finishing the games because they often had weird logic (sometimes referred to be interactive fiction fans as "moon logic"). People have also tried to get them to play Oregon Trail with better success. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTbDtczdS6w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StjYbZNqPp8


The problem with "originalist," "contextualist," & "textualist" thinking isn't just that they use what's convenient, but it means that dead people continue to rule our nation. But in reality, that's exactly how the bible is interpreted, so we shouldn't expect anything different.

Donna Chavez

I listen to the oral arguments on the Colorado law. What I heard was a bunch of self important lawyers, preoccupied with arguing, how many angels could fit on the end of a pin how to define the word “is”. Rather than discussing the merits of the Colorado Supreme Court decision regarding insurrection they mainly kicked the can down the road. Whether they did this in order to lower the temperature American divisiveness or out of fear for their own personal safety. I thought it was a disingenuous decision.


I’ve patroned the show for 7 years, but at the upper peon level (2 bucks until I got disabled, then one buck per show). I think that long-term patrons should get at least SOME recognition. Please ignore me. Bad pain day.


Ai assisted video games already exist, a test with Ai driven dialogue happened a couple years ago with the Matrix tech demo thing, and I'm sure there are more. As for a full fledged game using the technology, I can't say it's impossible but I would think still a ways off. Cool idea though for sure