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Tom and I recorded this episode the day we found out about the lead story on Modest Needs. Forgive us for talking about it at length, it was still pretty raw.

Charity Founder Embezzled Millions and Spent on Lavish Meals, U.S. Says

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President Joe Biden says he will not pardon his son Hunter Biden if he's convicted on gun-related charges

Donald Trump admits he still has a gun, despite felony convictions | Salon.com

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Alito’s Wife Caught on Tape Spewing Venom at Everyone | The New Republic

Clarence Thomas has accepted $4M in gifts during career: Watchdog

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Alex Jones agrees to liquidate his assets to pay Sandy Hook families, in move that would end his ownership of Infowars | CNN Business

Alex Jones’ personal assets to be sold but company bankruptcy dismissed | AP News



Joshua Fryvecind

I, for one, don’t want to blame you, Cecil. It was a great idea and had great ratings. How were you to know? I too grew up poor and around poor families, knowing what can seem like a little can mean so much. Y’all put more in than I did personally. I can hope my share went to someone who needed it. Tom’s right. We wanted to do well. You wanted to help. Take solace in that.


As we all know, omnipotence is a grift. You could not have known Cecil and we don't blame you! And that guy did do good. It is a "two things are true" situation. And unfortunately, power and money corrupt imperfect humans...and we're ALL imperfect.

Emma Crawford

I don't blame either of you, as when you first recommended Modest Needs I went digging into them. I work for a non-profit, so I know where to look to see how legit other nonprofits are-- and we did our due dilligence. I'm going to hold on to the fact that we did help people-- and I hope you do, too

No Moore Alabama

As some one who really upped my gift during Covid, I am so disappointed. I cancelled. In the reason for cancelling, I submitted the URL to the NY Times article. Love you guys though. I feel bamboozled along with you Cecil.


I feel so devastated for you both (and the extended Piat team) about Modest Needs. I can only imagine the personal angst this has caused you both. Cecil I know my words won’t relieve the personal anger and/or ‘guilt’ (not sure that is a good descriptor) - but I will say this - you cannot be held personally responsible for the alleged thievery that may have gone on! Your motivations were honourable! And I for one applaud you for being part of the team that had all the best intentions! Sending you all the love ❤️

Jay Voigt

Holy fucking shit.

Jay Voigt

This isn't your fault, Cecil and you have absolutely nothing to apologize for.

Richard Stifle

Gah! Why does no one have an ounce of integrity? Cecil, don’t blame yourself, dude fooled us all. Assuming this is true.

Perseus Barahona-Molina

Tom and Cecil. You guys did your best. You aren’t all knowing and you aren’t to blame. Thanks for sharing and being so kindhearted.


If you’re any elected official, I believe you should be Truman Show’d. Like, you are live recorded 24/7 no matter where you are, no matter what you are doing. The same with Supreme Court Justices. While not elected, it is a Presidential Appointment that is a lifetime placement and should be considered a voted position. Then, for spouses and adult children, the galas and other events should be expected to have recording, but you get less invasive accountability in all socially private events.

Diego Guzmán

Holy shit, guys... the whole thing about Modest needs fucking sucks. I remember when you started collaborating with it... so long ago. So hard to keep trusting people :(

Diego Guzmán

Congratulations on your anniversary, Cecil!


I'm really sorry, guys. Like you said, how could we know? We see something good happening, we vet the best we can, we instill trust and we give with the best of intentions. Keith Taylor broke the trust. And I hope we find a worthy recipient for this year's V4C.


Oh damn that sucks so hard! Modest needs news is so hard to hear, but I'm so grateful for you to talk about it. It's extremely rare for people to admit they made a mistake with a decision they made, and microscopically rare for that person to be the ones to let their listeners know about it. You've upheld the height of journalistic standards by running that sorry. Thank you, and I'm sorry we all got swindled by the same guy. It absolutely isn't your fault, we've had personal interviews with the guy, the charity is highly rated and it is a good cause. This is in no way your fault, he fooled us all, not just you.


Cecil….please don’t blame yourself for being a victim of another person’s selfish decisions. We all thought Modest Needs was a great organization. You could’ve never known. I’m looking forward to supporting another great cause for this year’s Vulgarity for Charity. Keep up the great work, guys!

Kernan Coleman

Guys, I know how horrible and betrayed you feel, but you could not have known this was going on. That said, I still think it’s one of the greatest ideas for a charity anybody’s ever come up with, and I hope there’s a way that it can be reconstituted and can continue to help people who just need a small amount of money to make a huge difference in their lives. Your hearts are always the right place and don’t forget it.

Ryan Parker

Guys the whole you can buy someone a gun thing is absolutely false. It is 100% illegal. It is already a law. And the anti-gunners would have you think that everyone can just buy guns willy-nilly and just hand them out like candy. That is called a straw purchase and it is a massive massive no no. it is already illegal and you will be federal prison bound if you are caught doing it so to answer your question, “ If there is a gun in the house and you’re married, who’s gun is it?”Whoever bought the gun and whoever’s name it is on the paperwork. That is whose gun it is. You can’t even buy your spouse a gun as a gift. You buy it for yourself. Then you can transfer it to your spouse. And I don’t mean, “Here honey! This is yours now!” That? = STRAW PURCHASE! I mean, you go to an FFL with your spouse and fill out the transfer paperwork. Children? That gun you bought your ten year old to learn on? That’s yours. Until they are 18. Then? Same thing. Off to the local FFL to fill out the transfer paperwork.

Haeley Curry

This is Tom This is not accurate. Only a small number of states require any extra steps. https://www.nssf.org/articles/giving-a-firearm-as-a-gift-some-reminders-from-nssf/

Ryan Parker

And yes, I was listening to the thing about MN with my jaw on the floor. As I’ve actually recommended them to help a few people and when I got in a better position myself had planned on becoming a regular donor. Betrayal hurts and it sucks, but let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and see what happens? I would recommend just ceasing donations at this point and yeah usually charges like this aren’t brought without some pretty good evidence, but that’s why we have a court system. So let’s see what happens. Don’t blame yourselves. There’s only so much you can do to vet someone.