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Louisiana Requires All Public Classrooms to Display Ten Commandments - The New York Times

Republicans in Panic Mode After Trump Trashes Milwaukee | The New Republic

Paul Ryan says Trump puts himself "above the Constitution," calls him "unfit for office" | Salon.com

Disney's feud with DeSantis is over — and it's donating to Republicans again

Pro-life candidate in Colorado race asked about girlfriend’s abortion in excruciating interview | The Independent

Between sharks and shocks: Answering Trump’s unanswered question - The Washington Post

The Christian right is coming for no-fault divorce - Vox


George Thomson

There’s also the Platinum Rule. Do unto others as they would have you do unto them.

Penelope Deotte

Everyone I know that has had Shingles was between the ages of 32 and 45. The vaccine was only authorized for 50 yrs old in the last few years. When it was first developed, you couldn't get the vaccine until 60. My friends husband lost some vision in his right eye because the entire side of his face was affected by the shingles rash.


You mean there wasn't a single slightly clever Democrat (or a Republican with a conscience) in the LA State Senate? No one raised their hand and said "Isn't having a poster that talks about adultery in a kindergarten classroom 'grooming' and 'sexualizing' kids"? And when they get to "coveting" they should have said "talking about slavery to young children is 'CRT'."


It is impossible to hear Tom say, "a porn star and a reality TV host who is now the ex president/felon sat together in a hotel room watching shark week" without remembering the Great Eli Bosnick's quote, "this reality is lazily written."

Mal Bishop

The conversation about truth can apply to the entire repmagacan party. You shouldn’t lie, but there is also no need to because the reality is probably worse anyway.

Michele Wickham

Only boats I know for sure don't float are those Trump flag wavin' ones in Texas :-D


As said by someone else here, I taught my kids the platinum rule - treat others the way they want to be treated. The book, "Elle the Humanist" is a fantastic book for little ones (along with all of the Annabelle and Aiden books and the other Stardust Science books for secular families)

Mara S.

I've had Shingles three times...and I'm 35. The first time I got it, I was 15. I had to jump through SO many hoops to get the vaccine "early" (this year).


christians: Don't ever talk to children about sex. 2nd grader: Teacher? What's adultery?


tRump doesn't like sharks because he hates competition, especially when they are better than he is.

Lisa Ham

So keep the Sabbath holy? Some savvy kid is going to refuse weekend homework.