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Elizabeth City magistrate turns away same-sex couple Pastor who admitted he had AIDS refuses to step down, gives Sunday sermon NC pastor comes unglued over coming gay weddings: ‘You think Ebola is bad now, just wait!’ Ohio pastor forced vasectomies, abortions because kids divert money away from church: report Christian Home-Schooler Tried to Kill Children After Pastor Husband Said World Was Ending ISIS Magazine Promotes Slavery, Rape, and Murder of Civilians in God's Name Iraq descends into anarchy: Shia militias 'abducting and killing Sunni civilians in revenge for Isis attacks' Klingenschmitt: Government Recognition Of Gay Marriage Is Deceiving Citizens Into Hell - Pat Robertson: Halloween Is A 'Festival For Demonic Spirits' Help Tim: http://www.gofundme.com/abu2qs



Jonathan Solis

Are the show notes supposed to link to their respective stories? I'd like to read them first-hand, but the notes aren't hyperlinked.

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

I can't make hyperlinks here on these posts. They are auto made if it has an http in front. We will have to change how we do the notes. I will try to fix that next episode and from that point on. Every show we hyperlink to the sites on our website. So you can go here for all the stories: <a href="http://dissonancepod.com/?p=873" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://dissonancepod.com/?p=873</a>

Lisa Mallette

I woke up from a bizarre dream this morning and just had to share. As a "Patreon perk" of sorts, Tom and Cecil decided to hold a contest; the winner would be treated to a visit, in person, from the Cognitive Dissonance hosts themselves. Against all odds, I won the contest, which entailed listing the reason(s) this visit would be desirable. (My dream state back-story did not provide a clue as to what those reasons were.) Tom and Cecil duly arrived at our home in Florida; I had snazzed up the place and put up welcome signs and served hot wings (of course); we laughed, we talked, we took selfies; we had a great time and I was more than thrilled to meet the guys in person. Fast-forward (as you do in dreams) to the next day. I'm in the bathroom brushing my teeth, getting ready for work, and suddenly I realize Tom & Cecil ARE STILL IN MY HOUSE. I go out to the living room and there they are, sprawled comfily on the couch. Tom says, "I made myself a sandwich; really like the expensive smoked gouda. What is that, like ten bucks a package? Hey, you got any bacon?" and Cecil is all, "Hey, we're in Florida. We wanna go to Disney World! You guys wanna go to Disney World? Let's go to Disney World!" At that point I woke up, terrified and having severe flashbacks to various long visits from midwestern relatives, so I can't tell you whether I ever got you guys out of my house. I grew up near Chicago, so I know what a treat it is to get away from the winters there. But seriously, guys...no. I love ya, but we're talking one day, tops. You get hot wings, we take some selfies, we're done. Capiche?

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

This has to be a dream. If Tom or I go into a house they have to take apart one of the walls and place us in there with a sophisticated pulley system.