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Dallas Bar The Whippersnapper Hosts Weekly Dildo Race

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says he left a dead bear in Central Park as a prank

French Pole Vaulter's Bulge Costs Him an Olympic Medal

McDonald's employee sentenced to prison for setting dumpster fire because restaurant was too crowded

Tourists rush to save ice cream van washed out to sea in Cornwal

Live crab found snapping at snacks inside vending machine

Bluey coins worth $400,000 stolen by worker, say Australia police

Ex-CIA analyst Sue Mi Terry charged with spying for South Korea in exchange for luxury handbags | World News




Golden Gaytime, not Happy Gaytime. There's mothing quite like a Gaytime. https://www.streetsicecream.com.au/brands/golden-gaytime.html

Mockingbird Nation

It’s easier to fence and move small luxury goods than it is to hide money. Just FYI.


Cecil is 53?


I’ve done online traffic school before, too. It’s like a series of unskippable YouTube ads; most disappointing Twilight Zone episode, ever.

Peggy Thomas

Behind the Bastards did a series recently on RFK Jr. He's crazy

Bowl of Piss Water

Online traffic school sounds a lot like the mandatory annual trainings I have to do working for the state. They don't close if you move the window, though.

Winter wiorkowski

It was the same idiot that gave a crab a knife … https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0QaAKi0NFkA

Cara Walkam

Golden Gaytime. Ice cream supremacy 🇦🇺