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Here it is in case you missed it. If you want to read the chat you can go to Youtube and view it here: https://www.youtube.com/live/R3skyySEOuE?si=d01zRJyFvCnzarhj

You can still donate to add to the total if you missed it:



Joey Clontz

I’m the first!

Titus Hein

Very happy you guys immediately put the audio out for patrons. As someone who NEVER is available during any live streams due to my geography and work, I was sad that I wouldn’t be able to be listening live. This helps it feel like I didn’t actually miss it.

Sabrina Hofmann

Huuuuh boy, did Noah borrow one of Eli's old backward-microphones?

Cara Walkam

I gotta know. Are they spelling it “sovereignity” or am i missing a joke.

Richard Stifle

Fuck you Heath, that Siri command for smash mouth made my home pod start playing.