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Elon Musk Co-Starred in Trump’s Disinformation Fest in Butler – Mother Jones 

Trump election conspiracist Tina Peters sentenced to 9 years in prison by Colorado judge

Book Revives Questions About Trump’s Ties to Putin - The New York Times

Trump’s Rambling Speeches Reinforce Question of Age - The New York Times

'Trump Bible' one of few that meet Walters' criteria for Oklahoma classrooms

Trump’s rampant lies about FEMA’s Hurricane Helene response, briefly explained | Vox

Actual climate scientists debunk Marjorie Taylor Greene's weather-related conspiracy theories

Some online conspiracy-spreaders don’t even believe the lies they’re spewing

Former GA Gov Candidate: Dems Created Helene In Order To "Keep Mark Robinson From Governorship" - Joe.My.God.



Jay Voigt

You guys uploaded late today, I didn't have Cognitive Dissonance for my motorcycle ride. 😢


Donald Trump, projectionist. 🙄

Bra Straps and Bitch Slaps

I worked in a hospital during Covid. Thinking about all the people who suffered and died under our care while we were still wading through the unknown…and finding out supplies went to Putin? Not the Russian people, which I could forgive, but Putin himself? We were having to ration masks and needles and cotton swabs while machines went to FUCKING PUTIN? I need a nap.

Jay Voigt

I forgot what it was like when we were in the height of COVID because my life never changed 1 bit. I was never locked down, I still worked 60 hours a week. The only thing that stands out to me is driving down I-5 in Seattle and being the only vehicle on the road.

Kernan Coleman

Scientologists actually believe that their “Tone-40” intent drove Milton a little further south so it wouldn’t hit Clearwater dead on.


6 Franklin Mint Collector Plates - Bible Themed! - Great Gift for Noah? $25 for the set. https://www.ebay.com/itm/226387710932?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=kSkXMqK5RkG&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=m4jntzlerim&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY A Certificate of Authenticity wasn't mentioned. 😢