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Deanna T.

I have always said I'd be first to die in a zombie apocalypse and I'm fine with that. I'd have no desire to live the rest of my life without modern comforts, constantly fighting for my life. I'd rather just die quickly and be done with it.

Milo StrangeMenagerie.com Caruso

Oof. I saw front 242 a few years ago and they were still wearing the spandex et. Al. Not a good look IMHO. They were also kinda boring compared to when I saw them in the 90s

Michael McElroy

Here's the perfect version of the Imperial March for Trump. https://youtu.be/3F44De8jeaE?si=Jcyx6iJjWR2hYIFR


Unrelated to the episode in particular can we get the old skeptic Creed back since it's not going up on YouTube anymore?

Graham Nealon

On all occasions I see Trump I always imagine that Yakety Sax is the non-stop soundtrack for him.


Doofensmirtz for Sec. of Energy

Jay Voigt

I'm not feeling sad, Cecil. I'm angry, but more than anything I want to br able to do whatever I can to protect my loved ones and anyone else who's being threatened by the fascists and Nazis. Maybe I'm being silly, but I feel better being armed. In another life I helped destroy Iraq and Afghanistan, so I have some real world experience with insurgent and guerilla warfare. I feel eternally guilty about the part I played in our imperial quest for oil, but maybe I can make that knowledge and experience count for something now?

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

My message was for people that might feel sad to avoid guns because they make self harm very easy and very deadly. It was not directed at anyone in particular.

Laura Lusby

I get how Cecil feels about not wanting to leave. I’m a 5th generation Texan and I hate it here. But also…damn it I’m a 5th generation Texan and there’s a line in the sand. I’m gonna fight to make this country a better place for EVERYONE.

Adam Burress

I have decided to arm myself and have recently purchased my first firearm. I have my class to get my concealed carry permit tomorrow. If you decide to arm yourself and are new to firearms like me, make sure you get some training and practice time at the shooting range. A handgun is not something you can just pick up and immediately shoot like John Wick if you haven't done it before.


eBay thinks I am into Franklin Mint plates now. Thanks Cog Dis.


If anyone else wants, The news podcast that Tom mentioned are What Next | Daily News and Analysis-By Slate Podcasts Up First from NPR The Daily-By The New York Times The Journal - The Wall Street Journal Any other news Podcast recommendations?