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Winter wiorkowski

I’m talking out of both sides of my mouth when I say this - I work for a predominantly online university which I love both because I have severe anxiety and I was able to more across country and keep my job … However, I think online education turns into a product which means those general education and social science/ philosophy classes get cut (my students complain constantly if a class doesn’t feed DIRECTLY) into their career path. It also eliminates the necessity of meeting people who have divergent views and also isn’t a step out of the nest like in person college was. I am glad to hear that more people are going to trade school - I almost got fired from a prior university for occasionally telling people ‘maybe this college thing isn’t for you - have you ever thought about a trade?’

Laura Lusby

Can we brag on ourselves as part of the good news segments?


I'm glad to see people leaving Twitter, but Bluesky may not be all it's cracked up to be. No ads, no algorithm, and no crypto-bro friends of Steve Bannon over on Mastodon.


I’m happy students whose families aren’t über wealthy can go to MIT for free, now. That was the only barrier for me and even with scholarships, I still couldn’t afford going to MIT. I just hope the entire committment extends to room and board and books, too. Those fees kept me from being able to go to several other schools. We just need this to be a national institution where all fees associated to getting an education are waived for students.

Bowl of Piss Water

I've commented something similar before, but I just can't agree more about the importance and value of a liberal arts degree and a well rounded education. I arrived at a Benedictine college as a shitty little 18 year old trying to be the best catholic girl I could, with the expected political views. I got a STEM degree, BSCE. Almost immediately after graduating I became an atheist. Now I'm an atheist lesbian lefty. The classes in college that made the biggest difference in my beliefs were Catholicism and Social Justice (hated it), and the religion 101 survey class I was required to take. I came in with a bad attitude but I loved it.


I have a masters level education in the biology of ageing and Tom and Cecil summed up an entire leading theory in the subject in the space of one minute. Bravo https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disposable_soma_theory_of_aging


Whenever I want to trigger a conservative coworker, I mention liberal arts degree. Like, "Thank god for those Liberal Arts students, otherwise the pandemic would have been intolerable." And then I watch him go on a rant about how useless a degree it is (as if there is just one degree and it's about how to be a liberal artist). Then when he calms down, he starts talking about the great writers from the golden age of early SciFi. Like, you do know a lot of them had literary liberal arts degrees. My road to atheism was becoming a skeptic and reading up on critical thinking. I wasn't religious until I went to live with my dad at 12. I became a christian because it was the thing to do. Religion and teenage angst, what better combination is there to destroy young minds. It took me decades to overcome the Deep Brain Thrombosis religion inflicted upon me when it destroyed all self-esteem and inserted self-loathing.

Bra Straps and Bitch Slaps

University of Texas is actually a pretty liberal school, being based in Austin.