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Milo StrangeMenagerie.com Caruso

OMG. Coincidentally Last Podcast on the Left did two episodes with the title "The Horrible Lives and Deaths of the Saints ", during which they go through a pretty good history of the differing ways that saints have been canonized over the years. Very funny, but also very well done. #2 is I was recently in Padua in Italy where I had the opportunity to go into St. Anthony's Basilica (yes, THAT St Anthony). With the overwhelming number of relics with his tongue, little finger, etc. along with his tomb got me thinking,. "hmm, tell me Catholicism is a death cult WITHOUT telling me it's a death cult". At a place in Venice we also saw a relic with such and such's vocal chords.


We have Catholicism to thank for death metal. \m/, l|||l ,\m/


reminds me of a joke. A tourist in Rome meets a souvenier peddler on the street The peddler says "would you like a souvenier of your visit to Rome? I have here the skull of St Anthony" So the thinks it's great deal and buys it for $100. Two years later he goes to Rome and the same peddler is there, and he says "For $200 I'll sell you the skull of St Anthony." The tourist says "I was here 2 years ago and you sold me the skull of st Anthony then, and it was only 100". The peddler says "Yes, but this is better because it's from when he was younger".