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David Whitney Asks Which Is Worse: Terrorism Or Ariana Grande’s Promotion Of Satanism And Sodomy

Kevin Swanson: ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Could Lead To Genocide Against Christians

Missouri Legislator Decapitates Live Chicken on Facebook Because Abortion

Wayne Allyn Root Tells Men Never To Date A Liberal Woman Who Hates Trump Because ‘She’ll Cut Your Pee-Pee Off’

Jim Bakker: Pat Robertson Has The Power To Pray Hurricanes Away

Jim Bakker: Send Angels To Donald Trump



Sarah Fullerton

I like how you go from run away from liberal-cat-loving-women to the 'I see angels' bitch. Ya, we're the crazy ones.

Sarah Fullerton

Christopher Walken is my favourite angel. Imagine him perching in Lorri's bedroom: Whadaya mean ...I gotta ... watch Trump? Check out .... this ... broad.

Donovan "Ravenhull"

There was a Handmaidens Tale movie right after the book came out starring Robert Duvall.

Captain Dave

Where can I get a clean copy of the "Call to Prayer" soundbite?

The Gray Hunter

The film of "The Handmaid's Tale" is pretty good but didn't make a big splash when it came out all those years ago. Why they think it's so dangerous now is ... I dunno... because they can now. Poor poor put upon Christians just love to be persecuted... except when they really are persecuted, which simply doesn't happen in the US. I don't want to round them up or anything. I'd settle for them just to, like, paying some taxes!


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Sean Oakley

Nice Crossroads reference.


I'm embarrassed how many times I've replayed the angels segment. May have to get a subscription for Depends undergarments. That was funny as hell.

Aya Sakurai

Now I know why the angel is standing on a Basset Hound's shoulder. lol

Daniel Giddings

Just an FYI... while David Whitney's comments were stupid and certainly deserving of your derision, the reason he kept using the word "dangerous" when talking about Ariana Grande is because her latest album and current tour is called Dangerous Woman. I guess he did a bit more "research" 👌🍆💦