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Sakashite Fukasumi

Actually Russia is a member of the European Court of Human Rights, along with 46 other countries in the Council of Europe.

The Gray Hunter

Doesn't the Vatican celebrate and promote.... oh Jesus I can't think about it anymore. It makes me crazy. BTW... if you are so Ortho... take a donkey, not an airplane. I get so sick of these crazy egomaniacal fools who can't grow up because they can't handle reality... and/or know exactly what they are up to scamming the egomaniac fools. It could not be more obvious that the more religion, the worse it gets..

Person from place

@Sakashite Aw, you beat me to it. Had a whole thing planned. Now they'll never know about the difference between EFTA, CEFTA, CTA, CMU, BSEC, Eurozone, EU, NC, GUAM, EEA, EPOrg, EBU and The CoE! 😆 <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Supranational_European_Bodies-en.svg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Supranational_European_Bodies-en.svg</a>