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Thanks to Geoff for coming on the show! You can find his work below: 




Stories covered in episode:

Cognitive Dissonance Live: 




In the DACA segment I couldn't help notice how it seems the repub-stance is that deportees are either Einstein nobel-price-winners or violent thuggish rapists. Depending on whether the argument is why it would be good for the US to get rid of or the deportees "home"'country to take back these people.

Valerie Vaile

Peace Corpses definitely deserved the Title.

Corky Frausto

Thanks for the DACA segment, this is what my students face on a daily basis. These are my students protesting in Albuquerque. Cop gave a great speech. <a href="http://krqe.com/2017/09/08/video-of-apd-officer-supporting-students-at-daca-rally-gets-national-attention/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook_KRQE_News_13" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://krqe.com/2017/09/08/video-of-apd-officer-supporting-students-at-daca-rally-gets-national-attention/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook_KRQE_News_13</a>

Liam Appelbe

Comparing the way Kekistanis might have satirically invented identity politics to the Flying Spaghetti Monster is a pretty dumb analogy. If some atheists invented the FSM as a joke, but then it got unironically adopted by radical Christians who form the Westboro Spaghetti Church and start violently protesting outside a heretical fusilli factory, we would rightly be able to criticize those asshats for their crazy beliefs and violent tactics, regardless of the fact that FSM started as a joke.

Andrew Lindsay

Just remember guys, don't spread it like peanut butter. Just a thin spread on the toast.


It is akin to chilli sauce, better to start with the smallest amount possible.

Andrew Lindsay

You could also pair it up with some cheese, though I'm not wanting to make it sound too redneck for you, as a child, there was only one type of cheese to be had, Coon cheese. (Citation supplied- <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coon_cheese" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coon_cheese</a> )


You will never eat anything worse in your life than durian fruit.

Comic Book Dungeon Podcast

I laugh uncontrollably whenever a "garbage state" conversation occurs and this show had both Arkansas and Iowa. Great stuff.


I love listening to Cecil lose his sh*t

Patrick Carr

Vegemite...one taste was too much. Just thinking about it gave me dry heaves for months.

Cyn R Johnson

Spread vegemite really thin. And don't panic when you first see it. Yes, it's supposed to look and spread like axle grease. It won't go off because it starts out that way. And after you've tried it, make sure Eli knows it's vegan safe....