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So we did a livestream The audio quality was not great, but it was fun. I am not turning it into a full show release, but if any patron wanted to hear it instead of watching it, here it is. 

If you'd rather watch the video here are the links to it on facebook and youtube:




The Gray Hunter

Speaking of the god hypothesis being tested with every scientific experiment: I can't remember who was discussing this (Dawkins? Krauss? Dennett) but they were proposing that religion and god were obsolete since the scientific method came along. One is terribly awful at improving life and explaining things. The other is, tho' not perfect, pretty fucking good at both those things. An argument over whether religion became superfluous during the 18th or 19th century, or during the Italian Renaissance ensued.

Andrew Barton

I don't always get to catch these live, but I always enjoy them. Glory Hole!