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Bad Medicine

The TSA actually does jack shit to protect us. They have not stopped a single terrorist attack. It's a huge waste of money, it's degrading, it's an inconvenience, it's entirely unnecessary. It's called 'security theater'. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LDzOi1dyAA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LDzOi1dyAA</a>

Reynold Hall

Robertson said that "...disrespect for our veterans"? Bullshit! Time to let some veterans have a say, eh? <a href="http://www.votevets.org/press/statement-of-votevets-on-continuing-protests-during-the-national-anthem" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.votevets.org/press/statement-of-votevets-on-continuing-protests-during-the-national-anthem</a> Quote: “We at VoteVets would urge everyone to stop making civil rights protests during the anthem about us veterans and troops. None of the players are protesting the military. Neither the flag, nor the anthem, belongs to veterans or the military, anyway.  It is the national anthem, not the military anthem.  Further, this isn’t the Vietnam era; none of us are getting spit at, or booed.  All of the players, and fans, have shown us nothing but respect, both those who stand and kneel during the anthem.    For those who care about veterans and troops, we’d urge you to stop worrying about peaceful protests during the anthem, and worry more about a Congress that is about to gut healthcare for millions of veterans who receive Medicaid, and health insurance through the ACA.  The politicians supporting those "repeal and replace" efforts are the ones who are truly disrespecting our troops, veterans, and military families. They’re the ones who are out to hurt us, not kneeling football players.”

Patrick Carr

Sheila Zilinsky sounds exactly like Cecile Strong's drunk Weekend Update character.


Her voice.....She sounds like a Valley Girl reject

Jake Shelton

Did my podcast cut off early? They brought up this bombshell about atheist leaders sexually assaulting people and then didn't provide any details. Is there going to be any follow-up on this? Who's being accused? Does anybody know more about this?