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Joseph Kubal

Any friend of Cecil's..... From what I hear Eli is his best friend. Tom would give Eli the keys to his house?

Robbi Prior

Thanks for the Patreon workaround information, as a non tech savvy person took me a while to work out how to implement it (you need to change your Patreon level before the monthly limit box comes up). I support a lot of podcasts at $1 per episode and this was going to dramatically increase my monthly bill.

Eric Denton

Switched up from $4 per month to $10. We don't want Cecil to drink cheap domestic beer.


Thank you for the Patreon solution. I have increased all of my$1 pledges to $5 for my favorite podcasts and switched to monthly.

Daniel Giddings

Thank you so much for the Patreon pledge workaround. As much as I didn't want to stop supporting you and Scathing Atheist, I was about to delete my pledges in protest to send a message. I'm glad I don't have to 👍🏻 I can live with one 35¢ per month, but when it's every post - and you support multiple creators - that's ridiculous. Glad I can continue to support you guys 😊


Cecil: Is there a reason you guys can't do 1 paid Patron post per month with the other episodes being unpaid and Patron-only? I think the only significant effect of this would be that a prospective new Patron would have to front-load paying for a month of content on sign-up.. which I'll admit is a heavy toll. Hmmm. Regardless, I'm sticking with whatever you guys prefer: Once payday hits next week, I'm editing my patronage to reflect whatever you guys have as your latest preferred pledge structure! Keep on keeping on!


Tom and Cecil, I've done as you suggest and increased my patronage by x5, and limited to once a month. Good luck with the job Cecil!

Chelsea Watts

It came out that Trump’s dentures came loose and that’s what caused the slurring. Disappointing, but funny.

Cyn R Johnson

May the bluebird of happiness always ride upon your shoulders! Guys, I’ve been living mostly in Oz for the last 7 ½ yrs, and I wish I’d been able to make it to the show, but your observations are spot on, and laughed hard at this ep! Good on ya! Oh, and trumps so fu#kn cheap he won’t get implants! He’s living in a 1950s mind set even as a grifter! What a bag of dross! We’re fu#kin doomed!

Adopt a homeless pet and oppose declawing and ear docking!

I actually know the guy who played the bowl-haired kid on Who's the Boss! He's my coworker at an animal shelter in Texas. Really nice guy, and has a good sense of humor about having been a child actor and all the trouble that got him into.