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We did something a bit different. No production other than slight editing, covering stories we might not cover, and not trying to make the other person laugh. 

If you enjoy this conversation let us know by clicking the heart on patreon. It will be a useful metric. 

Stories we talked about: 


Are Toxic Political Conversations Changing How We Feel about Objective Truth?


Cherie Taylor

I am totes late working through my backlog but loved this show. Hearing you guys tease out and think through moral issues is enlightening and helpful. Loved the episode!

Shane Partington

I’m a little late to this episode but I enjoyed it. More please!


This..... This is the other side of the gloryhole. Riveting. Good stuff.


Hell, call the segment "the other side of the gloryhole;" that's where the real meat is anyway.

Samantha Oliver

That was a great episode. Please continue this!


Every precious moment of cog diss is welcome!!

Christopher Horton

Love this episode. Would love to see you guys do more of these As per Logan Paul, my thoughts initially mirrored Cecil's; I thought it was closer to virtue signaling, and that in part comes from someone who takes in a lot of true crime material (love Last Podcast on the Left). Thought people were being overly sensitive... then all the other stuff about Paul came out, and that went out the door. He doesn't come off as a very good person.


I really liked this. I like the discussion here about rhetoric in general, as well as the cultural analysis in a more sober way. I'd like more of this, for sure. All I can really say about it that might improve it is adding the Skeptic's Creed at the end.

Martin Fidel

I enjoyed the Seriously Atheisticly Inquiring and Speaking Only.

Stormlight, the band!

This was fantastic! I would love to have more extra segments like this

Patrick Dobbins

Always going to support smart conversations about difficult topics.

John McGimpsey

I’m very interested in more of this making it to the main show - I think your audience can handle more nuance, even at the expense of fewer dick jokes. I loved Tom’s latest appearance on SIO for the same reason.

Joseph Kubal

Loved it. I commented on the SIO page that we can use more serious Tom some more, which Tom was great on.

Joseph Kubal

Its funny because I found out about Atheism from YouTubers years back. They had interesting arguments and made good content. But as there were more and more of them vying for views, they all went more extreme, where now it seems like it is all either SJW/anti-SJW and just bashing instead of debating.


I would love to hear more things like this! I really enjoy and appreciate hearing y’all’s thoughts on “heavier” subjects. There were a lot of things here that were interesting and pushed my own perception/perspective/understanding on some of these topics.

Meghan Ruth

It'd be nice to have some of this mixed in with the dick jokes.


This was really great. But don’t be afraid to throw in a dick joke or two.

Simo Hyttinen

Logan Paul is a horrible shitty person and I hate him with a burning passion. As if this obvious lack of morals in his videos wasn't enough, his YouTube channel basically only exists for the purpose of peddling his own brand of merch, Maverick (that's what makes him the mist money). He knows his audience and will not let ethics get in the way of peddling his overpriced shit (a gold colored shitty backpack goes for $100) to kids and basically telling them to pester their parents to buy them shit from his merch store. And this brand of fuckstick comes in pairs: his brother Jake Paul is a carbon copy. He does the exact same thing.

Robert Lisiewski

Love this. You two idiots have great insights and I enjoy the way you think and break things down. In whatever format really. Tom's thing he just did with Thomas was great and the more I get of these kinds of conversations the better. In whatever format. If you guys are planning a serious(-ish) topical discussion show I am already a fan. You could invite Thomas as a semi-regular guest (it's not as if he is busy ;) ), and the Scathing guys too. Would be brilliant. So if Cecil becomes unemployed, or you guys will just have the time. Yes please! As long as it does not come at the expense of the dick jokes. Thanks for the show, and all the hours of laughter.

Kevin Hicks

I was unaware of the existence of Logan Paul until I listened to this episode, and now my life is poorer for that knowledge. I still clicked the heart button, though. I don't exactly know why.

Laurel Kristick

I really liked this. I had heard about the suicide video, but the broader perspective was valuable. Logan Paul reminds of the Canadian who videod his murder of another person for fame


I'm glad you guys made this. I'll disagree with people saying it should be a main part of your show. But I think there are serious issues like this people would like to hear your serious opinion on. A lot of the things you guys talk about from episodes I've listened to aren't super serious in the first place, or are just ranting about something some crazy evangelist did and making jokes about it. A very fruitful and intriguing conversation you guys had though and I hope it had the same effect of me in the sense that people will take it serious and actually take what you say into consideration. Thanks for the content guys and keep it up!

Torsten 'what the fluff' Pihl

I enjoyed this discussion. Such discussions and thoughtfulness are the main reason I subscribe and support the show. Exposing the wackos and having laughs in your regular show are fun garnish, but I like the “meat ‘n’ potatoes” best.

Ian and Ali

If this were in a different feed, was a normal show length, and didn't affect the normal cog dis schedule, I'd certainly be a patron of it. It honestly feels like old cog dis where half of it was jokes and the other half was this sort of thing. I don't mean to say I don't still really like current cog dis, I just felt like one of my favorite parts was missing and this captures it perfectly.

Samhain, not pronounced Sam-Hane

Talking about the difference between online interactions and more face-to-face interactions, the podcast Conversations with People Who Hate Me really shows how differently people act between the two mediums.

Deborah Smith, The Attractive Distractor

Cecil and Tom, thanks for taking time to do this. I appreciate your thoughts on this awful YouTube incident, awful because it was intended to denigrate and insult. Thanks, too, for reminding us that civil discourse can and does exist, especially amongst friends.

Cynthia Francis

I enjoyed hearing you guys break down serious subjects, especially the arguing to win topic(I needed to hear that right now) and would support this being part of the regular show or it's own show.

Brian Bowers

That was excellent guys. Thanks so much for this.

Shu Muramoto

Great to know that even you guys see that Logan Paul is a horrible racist, not refusing to disavow his actions just because he's a fellow white guy. But I think he is just the tip of the iceberg - with more foreign tourists in Japan, it's inevitable that they let in more idiots, like misbehaving Chinese tourists who behave a lot worse than Logan Paul.

A DM who just once would like to make up an NPC's name that my players don't make fun of.

I liked this a lot. I’ve always enjoyed your show because buried underneath all the offensive racist and sexist dick jokes, there’s a real heart to what you do. You guys get away with saying some pretty awful stuff because we, as an audience, know where you actually stand. I think this sets aside the buffoonery (and I mean that as a compliment) and really lets the compassion and intelligence that you guys have shine. If anything, I would say to let a few more jokes slip through on this. I think the levity makes such heavier topics more palatable. Thanks for doing this guys... it was a really interesting listen.


Don't get me wrong, your laughing and jokes are fucking hilarious, but it is nice to hear you two have honest, intellectual conversations. I think it's important for people to remember that yeah, you're two funny guys, but you've got grey matter between your ears and use it well.

Local Dairy Council

I love the regular show but this was wonderful, a real honest conversation about topics of the day that relate to skeptics, atheists, and Humanists. Reminds me of an old Podcast called Reasonable Doubts.

Drew Wadd

This was superb: definitely a keeper. So good, in fact, that part of me wants to have it as a patrons only thing. But why keep these conversations to ourselves? I don’t think it would fit into the usual episodes that well: but as a once a month think-tank it could really generate some great conversations out in the “real world”. Apologies if I’ve just parroted someone else’s comments: I didn’t have time to wade through the 93 comments before hand - nor did I want to be biased towards a previous comment.

Drew Wadd

Oops: 33 comments 🤨

David Campbell

Hey bitches. Loved this thing. It was much more like being a fly on the wall listening to y’all knock a few back and bullshit. Reminded me of the earliest episodes, before y’all got so fucking big. Great show, hope you keep the format, and keep it for patrons, we deserve something... ✌️

Genie Robinson

Yes!!!! I appreciate your thoughts on various topics, funny and vulgar or thoughtful and intelligent. The only thing your guys do that I have a tendency to skip through is the multiple choice thing on the books. I enjoy and look forward to everything else. Keep up the excellent work!


I never come to Patreon since I dislike the interface, but I made an exception just to "heart" this episode. I think you should continue this kind of format. The atheist movement needs more demonstrations of thoughtful discussion and disagreement. I agree that you should keep this separate so that the dick jokes don't get in the way of valuable discourse, but don't stop the dick jokes, we need that in the atheist movement, too!

Cindi Lynch

I love this and Inwant a transcript!

Cindi Lynch

Okay, once more— this time with my glasses on. I LOVE this and I would kill for a transcript, because I want to be able to quote it! I’m taking the “argue to win/argue to learn” concept over to a private online group I participate in — something they desperately need to learn!

Person from place

Love it, make it 25 minutes and it's a great segment for the main show.


I loved it. I love the idea of expanding the scope of the show to include more intellectual topics beyond just politics and religion (though never abandon those), and love the idea of more contemplative debate without a lot of jokes and guffawing (though never give that up, either!). I'm actually disappointed that this wasn't a regular episode, as i would love to share it with friends via social media, as there was a lot of good food for thought.

That's not your Lawn Tiger

Haven't listened to this shit at all. Sounds really good though from the above comments. Party on CogDis! If/when you guys are serious it is usually very good stuff. I trust much of the above comments. If people disagree to any of my naivete: look at my username.

Daniel Segal

Much as I love the dick jokes and bits about Tom's ex-wife, you are both very insightful. I hope you do more of these.


I really liked it

The other Mike

I have to design customer feedback instruments for work, and I do love the minimalist approach you've taken here. "Well, they are still giving us money AND they clicked the little heart thing, so we good." :)

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

Trut me, that hasn't escaped me. This is not a patron post though and we will be posting the link and mentioning it on next week's show and see if the resounding success of it is tempered.

Teresa Gomez

I liked it. It’s nice to get your opinions on more serious topics. You can call it Cognitively Speaking.

Eric Kenney

Loved the discussion. Very thought provoking

Cory Pro

Keep these coming guys.

Sarah Fullerton

It's kinda the cognitive part and the silly is the dissonance part.


Good chat


Love the show, love the dick jokes. Loved this conversation. Would like more of these on serious topics.

Trevor F

I like hearing you guys opine on social issues. Having listened to the show for a while, I value your point of view, and would definitely like to hear more. Hearing you guys discuss the various intricacies of subjects we deal with daily (I’ve made the same comment to my brothers and family about not having evolved enough to handle the pressures and interactions of social media) is a welcome addition to the content you already put out. Thanks for all you do guys!

Kevin Korb

I enjoyed the special episode but I would not like for this format to replace regular episodes. I like this show for the normal mocking nature but the occasional extra serious discussion is good too.

Elvis Manson

This particular 42min34sec is good in substance, dare I say superb. That being said, I'm not clicking heart. Commentary in this format is available innumerable places, whereas the CogDis circus, which raises spirits and grants hope for our rancid species' survival, is available only at the Glory Hole. Compromise: do this, but tack it on after the skeptic's creed, the way Noah/Heath/Eli tack on their commercials for benefit of patrons who don't HAVE to listen to them. Then if we're in the mood...


This had a lot of Cognitive Depth😎


I would like to hear more, as long as it doesn't take away from the weekly show. Keep up the good work.

Evidence Monkey

Solid, you guys. It made me want to ask questions of you and of myself.

Tom Hail

Really liked this. I usually do like when you get serious in the podcast after the dick jokes and giggling are over, when the "makes us mad" sets in. Good addition if you go for it. Especially now that someone may have more time on their hands...

Alan Westfall

Jackass also disrespected the people of Japan for laughs. Not obviously racist, but still wildly disrespectful. <a href="https://youtu.be/h6a1cDwbURE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/h6a1cDwbURE</a>

Kathryn Koldehoff

Liked the serious content. People need reminding that there are flesh-and-blood humans on the other side (of the glory hole?).

Ben Anderson

I really enjoyed this format. Some topics need ridicule and dick jokes made in their general direction, and some of the individuals in religion and politics can be best understood through satire. But some topics best lend themselves to earnest back-and-forth and a sober exchange of various points of view. You guys did a fantastic job at that. Knowing the original is not going anywhere, I’d like to see more of this and would be happy to support it.

Nick from CA

Btw, I wanted to address one point made by Cecil. I am liberal because the bulk of the evidence suggests MY life is improved by helping others. That is, whether the person receiving food stamps is lazy or not does not matter to me. The evidence suggests that people on food stamps put those resources right back into the economy, which benefits the economy--as opposed to giving money to someone rich that is just going to hoard it. I could go on, but I think that highlights where I am coming from and the disconnect I experience when talking with people on the right.

Kalen Turner

I really enjoyed this show keep doing it


This show was great. These kinds of conversations are important & add a lot to my experience with your show.

English jo

I enjoy listening to your take on current topics so I'd like to hear more of this please.

Keith Davies

Enjoyed it. My favorite arguments on line were on a Skeptic forum for a number of years, they taught me a lot about making sure I didn’t just pull things out of my ass, even if we were on the same side of the debate. And how to formulate a logical, rational argument, and to concede when I was wrong. One example: I took at face value that there was no evidence for the existence of Jesus, therefore he probably never lived. A good Skeptic said that there was the same lack of evidence for Socrates. I searched for days for evidence that conclusively showed Socrates was real and not just a legend and found none. My point is that arguing to win, in my view, isn’t necessarily better for seeking objective truth than arguing to learn. Anyway, the show was thought provoking, and I think it’s a good companion piece to the regular show.

Kelsey Ann Livingston

I like to hear you two talk about more serious topics. It would be good mid week content.

Aaron M Gleason

More please. I've always enjoyed it when you guys get serious. You're both obviously intelligent thoughtful people, and while I keep coming back for the dick jokes, it's always refreshing to hear your carefully curated intellectual points of view on serious topics. And fuck that Logan Paul guy.


I've been hoping for more of that since I started listening regularly to the show. These discussions tend to happen quite naturally every once in a while (often when talking gun control), but not nearly as much as I would hope. Maybe one serious story per show could be an good balance ?

C. David

Really enjoyed this discussion pointed to some good resources to read about arguing online and it was just very enlightening nice job guys

The Body of Evidence

Love these serious discussions. These segments should be called "Serious Dissonance".


Loved it

Jesse Timm

Definitely hope we get more of this.


Good. But love dick jokes

Neal Soutter

Really liked this humour-lite episode, thanks guys!

Richard Hall

Loved this. Please do more.


Loved this.

Bloodcream Lahtáy

Late to the party but i very much enjoyed this.