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Thank you to Johann Hari for joining us this week. You can find out more about Johann's work at:


Twitter: @johannhari101 

Stories From The Week

Fake photo of Parkland student ripping up Constitution goes viral | TheHill

Republican governors try to avoid holding special elections - Voting for state legislatures

At Long Last, Flat Earth Rocketeer Finally Manages to Blast Himself Into Sky at God Knows What Speed

Wayne Allyn Root: Chicago & Baltimore Are 'Third-World Hellholes' Because 'They Don't Practice Capitalism' | Right Wing Watch

Atlanta mom crashes car trying to prove to her kids that God is real





Martin Fidel

Bought the book; excited to check it out.

Mister CPU

The colonials used Kentucky rifles during the American Revolution. Which had greater range and accuracy than the British muskets.


Was not ready for today’s interview

Duane Newhart

Great episode, thanks. Timing for me was perfect. Family member is struggling with clinical depression and the thought of medication.

Hearty Fartblast

And I thought you guys were all about Dick jokes! Really good episode. Thought provoking, funny, informative. More please.

Michael Joseph

Hari’s book and its preceding promo articles and videos have received a lot of criticism from the scientific community. The interview was a good listen, but there were more than a few moments where the imaginary psych major in me was like “WRONG”.