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Stories from the Week

Parents of children who died in Sandy Hook shooting sue Alex Jones for defamation | TheHill

Alex Jones Claims Attractive Women Tried to Date Him In High School To Convert Him To Satanism | Right Wing Watch

Alex Jones Had A Weekend Meltdown After Trump Announced Syria Airstrikes | Right Wing Watch



Mara S.

The hotdog woman is a film reviewer named Lindsay Ellis, just in case your other listeners want to know the source :D

Chad from Cincinnati

Always enjoy supporting the causes you bring light to.

Ryan Parker

Alright Tom... I love ya but I’m going after ya! There are a lot of reasons that guy could have been wearing his class ring. Sentimental. A special day. Anniversary. Or, what I think, maybe it was his reunion that day/week or something? Leave the poor bastard be! And Cecil, can I ask which articles you read in regards to the Silverman accusations? Can you tell me what sources you used? I’m just curious. I’d like to check them out. Thanks guys!

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

<a href="http://www.patheos.com/blogs/progressivesecularhumanist/2018/04/american-atheist-president-david-silverman-fired-for-sexual-assault/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.patheos.com/blogs/progressivesecularhumanist/2018/04/american-atheist-president-david-silverman-fired-for-sexual-assault/</a>

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

<a href="http://www.patheos.com/blogs/daylightatheism/2018/04/on-the-firing-of-david-silverman/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.patheos.com/blogs/daylightatheism/2018/04/on-the-firing-of-david-silverman/</a>

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

<a href="https://www.buzzfeed.com/peteraldhous/david-silverman-atheist-fired-sexual-misconduct" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.buzzfeed.com/peteraldhous/david-silverman-atheist-fired-sexual-misconduct</a>

Ryan Parker

I’m dumbfounded by the fact that my iPhone 7 Plus won’t allow me to copy those addresses... And they aren’t hyperlinks. Both of these are Patreon app issues though right? Nothing to do with Apple? Or is it different for any of you Android/Windows users out there? BTW, thanks for taking the time to send me the links. Much appreciated. I’ll just have to type them out when I’m on my laptop. Ain’t happening on my phone! Haha.

Kernan Coleman

You're dead right about the wealthy being unable to live in the real world. I have a very close childhood friend who married a billionaire. Visiting them is like visiting a financial Jupiter. Like Jovian gravity, the grandeur of their multiple houses, plane and staff is utterly irresistible and changes everything around it. And it takes me about ten minutes in their world to turn into a total entitled pratt.


Just relating to why chemical weapons are worse than the already horrible normal explosive bombs. Chemical weapons are like torture on a direct hit. Your lungs burn and you drown in your blood of you're lucky. A direct bomb hit and you're dead instantly. Chemical weapons are torture at best. Also a normal bomb explodes and it's over. A chemical weapon will make an area uninhabitable as the chemicals are still there unless they're rendered inert. A bomb has a very specific hit zone. A chemical weapon changes range with the wind. Bombs are horrible savage weapons, but they're nowhere near as bad as chemical weapons.

Lisa McLain

In the interview there was a mention of only 60 highway patrol officers in the state of Wyoming. Is that true? I drove through the state last year and got pulled over by two of them. Either I’m very unlucky or I drive way too fast. Or both.