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California ballot measure seeks death penalty for gays: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/progressivesecularhumanist/2015/03/california-ballot-measure-seeks-death- Michigan House Passed Bill Allowing EMTs To Refuse Treatment To Gay People: http://m.newnownext.com/michigan-house-passed-bill-allowing-emts-to-refuse-treatment-to-gay-people/12/2014/ Guru convinced 400 men to castrate themselves to be closer to God: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/progressivesecularhumanist/2015/02/guru-convinced-400-men-to-castrate-themselves-to-be-closer-to-god/: Jihadi John's Dad Asks God to 'Take Revenge' on Son Muhammed Emwazi: Co-Worker: http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/isis-terror/jihadi-johns-dad-asks-god-take-revenge-son-muhammed-emwazi-n316391 Idaho Republican plans walkout during Hindu prayer at statehouse: ‘They worship cows': http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2015/03/idaho-republican-plans-walkout-during-hindu-prayer-at-statehouse-they-worship-cows/#.VPXVQ43REM4.reddit Klingenschmitt: Murder Of North Carolina Muslim Students Was An Anti-Christian Hate Crime - See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/klingenschmitt-murder-north-carolina-muslim-students-was-anti-christian-hate-crime#sthash.Lnvl5DIR.dpuf Superstition Fuels Spike In Murder And Mutilation Of Albinos: http://thinkprogress.org/world/2015/03/02/3628735/albino-tanzania/ US-Bangladesh blogger Avijit Roy hacked to death: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-31656222 Tennessee churches pray to Jesus for city to pass ban on ‘swingers club' and ‘sinful' acts: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2015/03/tennessee-churches-pray-to-jesus-for-city-to-pass-ban-on-swingers-club-and-sinful-acts/: Pat Robertson: Smoking pot is ‘slavery to vegetables,' but God can ‘set you free' :http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2015/03/pat-robertson-smoking-pot-is-slavery-to-vegetables-but-god-can-set-you-free/ http://www.podcastawards.com/



Scott Hansen

Why not 'pigmentally challenged' or some other PC bullshit...

Cyn R Johnson

Hi guys, Worked as a medic for years and "duty to act" trumps all but personal safety; not to mention "good samaritan" laws. The idea of being on a rig with any pinhead who would refuse to treat any patient at a scene makes me literally incandescent with rage. Is there ANY reality or understanding of reality in the minds of legislators who wrap themselves in the flag or bible? There is NO reason in religion or nationalism at all. NONE! Then the idea that my wife and i are worthy of the death penalty because we're lesbians was a topper. My wife ( we were married in USA but can only be recognized as "defacto partners" because same sex marriage isn't allowed in OZ yet). The Aussies are positive america is nuts. They ran Rupert Murdoch out on a rail, and think it's hilarious we got him now. There's a bit of a mean streak in these buggers! Happily, there are the two dudes from that toddlin' town to help me exhibit the finer points of what the USA is really about, and to remind me regularly that the world hasn't gone round the bend in it's little choo choo! There are, proportionally, just as many nuts here. Aussies just tend to be a bit more honest or perhaps less subtle, and openly call them wankers - and when an Aussie calls you a Wanker, they really know what they are saying! The accent adds something too! Glory hole guys! My wife and I are both mothers, and we enjoy fucking regularly!