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Stories From The Week

Franklin Graham: Trump’s Affair with Stormy Daniels is “Nobody’s Business” – Friendly Atheist

Alex Jones: Trump Is Fighting A Computer Program That Has Decided To Kill Humans | Right Wing Watch

Liz Crokin: We'll Soon See More Than 20,000 People Arrested For 'The Rape, Torture And Sacrifice Of Children' | Right Wing Watch

Jim Bakker: 'I Would Believe A Million' People Are Trying To Kill Trump | Right Wing Watch

Michael Snyder Says That If Elected, He'll Be 'Ranting Like Alex Jones' On The House Floor | Right Wing Watch

Minnesota priest accused of abusing 60 boys in Guam - StarTribune.com

Why the uninsured rate is rising—and only for Republicans.

Money Flowed to Michael Cohen. Where Did It Go? - Bloomberg

Trump appointing Dr. Oz to his sport, fitness and nutrition council - CNNPolitics

People think she’s a Parkland ‘crisis actor.’ It’s terrifying.

Rudy Giuliani's Quotes Trump the Truth for the President | National Review

Trump makes it explicit: Negative coverage of him is fake coverage - The Washington Post

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The Gray Hunter

There is an obvious huge reason Trump is president and it is called "white backlash". All the bigots crawled out of the woodwork when a black man was elected twice as President. The other big reason is the Dems put up the only person on the planet who could have lost to Trump: "H" is for hubris" Hillary. She and her crew thought it was "her turn" (totally undemocratic) and she was gonna slide thru. It wasn't Bernie. It wasn't Jill. It wasn't the Russians.And no gods had anything to do with it.

The Gray Hunter

"literally thousands of people involved in the rape, torture and sacrifice of children," Sounds like Religion.

Mara S.

In the Disney movie version, Frollo is a judge, rather than a priest like in the novel. I agree about the obvious religious symbolism though


How can I get the url to get these in my regular podcast engine?


Actually, Idaho is a gorgeous state if you love nature, outdoor activities and wildlife. You just have to also deal with the 2nd highest Mormon population in the entire States, all those "prayer over medicine", "spoil the rod not the child" evangelicals in the low populated cities, the Nazis up north and, of course, the potato farmers. Which, btw, if you can put GlaDOS in a potato then there really isn't anything a potato CAN'T do.

Oxford Comma is Mandatory

Nothing like taking out the "globalist agenda" as a representative of a state that literally contains .5% of the US population.