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Let's try this again... Rick Santorum’s blatantly unconstitutional idea: Put the Bible back in public schools!: http://www.salon.com/2015/03/16/rick_santorums_blatantly_unconstitutional_idea_put_the_bible_back_in_public_schools Fox News host Andrea Tantaros: Snow days are a liberal plot to strip schools of religious holidays: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2015/03/fox-news-host-andrea-tantaros-snow-days-are-a-liberal-plot-to-strip-schools-of-religious-holidays/#.VQchVJIKHq4.facebook Virginia city official says God ended slavery: Jesus never told anyone to create a diversity commission: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2015/03/virginia-city-official-says-god-ended-slavery-jesus-never-told-anyone-to-create-a-diversity-commission WATCH: Bellowing pastor warns that gays, Muslims, and liberals will establish a ’secular humanist caliphate’: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2015/03/watch-bellowing-pastor-warns-that-gays-muslims-and-liberals-will-establish-a-secular-humanist-caliphate/ Mother’s Day Threatened by Same-Sex Marriage, Claims Irish Senator; Already “Banned” in Some U.S. States: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2015/03/16/mothers-day-threatened-by-same-sex-marriage-claims-irish-senator-already-banned-in-some-u-s-states/ Evangelist: When Christians take control of the US government ‘Oh, the demons shudder!’: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2015/03/evangelist-when-christians-take-control-of-the-us-government-oh-the-demons-shudder/ New Hampshire 4th-graders wrote a cute bill, then watched as lawmakers mocked and killed it ‘Give yourself a piece of chocolate for every day of Passover cleaning’ Yahad advises women: http://www.jpost.com/Israel-Elections/Give-yourself-a-piece-of-chocolate-for-every-day-of-Passover-cleaning-Yahad-advises-women-393701 To get in touch with Sal: www.facebook.com/innerthreat or email zodel1986@gmail.com



Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

I deleted the last post. Something when wrong when I posted before and there was no audio file attached. Sorry about that.

Scott Hansen

Just cast my last vote for the podcast awards... voted every day for you guys. Good Luck!

Dave F

I've been enjoying your podcast for sometime now. Thought it was time to stop being a freeloading prick & give something back. Gloryhole!