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Immigration law, new policy and children and families separated at the border - the facts - CBS News

Elizabeth Warren Says Let's Be Clear: Trump Is Holding "Thousands of Kids Hostage to Try and Get Congress to Pay for His Stupid Wall"

‘Womp Womp’: Corey Lewandowski Mocks Child With Down Syndrome Separated From Mother - The New York Times

WATCH: Trump Apologist Accuses Caged Immigrant Children of Engaging in Sexual Activity

Paul Begley: Did 'Illuminati Assassins' Target Larry Kudlow With A Heart Attack Gun? | Right Wing Watch


Old atheist biddies are gonna LOVE this?



Susanne Wikman

One of your best episodes - your thoughts on migration is important to all of us living in the “western” world. Thanks for saying it out loud - and being so well-formulated!

Dave Ligblurt

What you have to understand about Justin Trudeau being called a "Global Elitist" as a contrast to Donald Trump is that this is conspiracy theory speak: It's the same as other groups calling him a reptillian or a witch or whatever. It's a special class of people who pro-Trump conspiracy theorists posit who are the worst of sinister global manipulators who want to tear the US down.

Dave Ligblurt

If you do a google search for related terms like "global elite," you'll see the basic shape of it. It's the same "New World Order" stuff that christian conspiracy theorists have been rambling about since the 90s, slightly rebranded. And as with all conspiracy theories, there's a hefty dose of antisemitism in there.

Oxford Comma is Mandatory

Next time you guys talk immigration, I'd like you to have Andrew Torrez on as a guest. I'd really like to hear his take on all the immigration legal bullshit with your combined humor.

Jah Bok-Choy advises MoreDrugsMoreBikes

I didn't do any extra research on Breitbart, but other than shit genes a pretty common cause of myocardial enlargement is heavy duty stimulant usage. He seems like a cocaine kinda fuck to me.

Ryan Parker

Speaking of French Fry guns and Onion Blossom killers... Please tell me you guys saw the lady who was almost killed by the “Devil Dog” killer and his massive wiener cannon at the Phillies game? LoL. They had a massive hot dog cannon that shit real hot dogs at people and this weiner hit this old lady right in the face and almost took her eye out. You have to look it up and look at this poor lady’s face. And she is just happy to have gotten hit with a Phillies weiner and not upset at all. LMFAO. Go check it out!

Mark Siefert

The “Karma” Tom was speaking of goes under the more academic phrase “The Just World Hypothesis” where all those who succeed must have earned it and those who fail deserve it.

Slam Nasty

To speak to how gobsmacked you both are over the wanton calumny that is political red meat for some people on the right, this goes a ways to explaining it (it takes a while to load for some reason): <a href="https://overland.org.au/2018/06/a-brief-fascist-history-of-i-dont-care/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://overland.org.au/2018/06/a-brief-fascist-history-of-i-dont-care/</a> It explains, in directly analogous detail, the overt moral awfulness the right is putting on display with zero shame. The right-wing notions that our society is too soft, too empathetic, too coddling, too insidiously and legally complex for Joe Everybody to successfully navigate, too multicultural, too anything, is not new and the world has seen this many times before. The US has reached a point where making the charge of Fascism against a segment of the political opposition is no longer out of bounds or bombastic rhetoric.

Slam Nasty

Which is morbidly hilarious because a lot of people that would say they subscribe to that, can often be heard waxing judgmental at others that life is unfair and to just deal/get over it.

Michele Wickham

Illuminati Assassins - the guy needs to stop playing Assassin's Creed.

The Fallacious Trump Podcast

Love the cog diss bingo. Definitely playing that. And it's scoop across, obviously.