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Trump insists hush money payments by Cohen were legal - BBC News

NY Bishop Rape Shames Abuse Victims: Boys Are 'Culpable' For Their Actions At 7 Years Old

‘Silent Sam’ Confederate Statue Is Toppled at University of North Carolina - The New York Times

Trump Says Hispanic-American Border Patrol Agent ‘Speaks Perfect English’ - The New York Times

Giuliani Says ‘Truth Isn’t Truth’ in Defense of Trump’s Legal Strategy - The New York Times

Indonesia woman irked by mosque noise convicted of blasphemy - ABC News

"'Firefighter Prophet' Mark Taylor Says The Military Is Gearing For Underground War With Pedophiles | Right Wing Watch

EMP Attack, Economic Collapse Await U.S. Absent A 'Great Awakening,' Warns Rodney Howard-Browne | Right Wing Watch






Here's your pizza guys. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=879tH4WutWg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=879tH4WutWg</a>

Deanna T.

If y'all make me have a mental image of sex with Trump again, I might have to unsubscribe!😱🤢🤢😱


On the "legal rights of demons" thing, I don't think they're talking about common law rights at all... I've never been religious myself, but pop culture has taught me that the devil always has to bargain for your soul, right? He can't just claim souls, he has to bind them with tricksey contracts. So when they're talking about "legal rights" I think they're talking about these... As in; these demons are agents of the devil who only have enforcement powers within the scope of some implied contract you made with their boss. Surely this will come up on TTTBE at some point...

Reynold Hall

From what I remember of fundy thinking, hell is the default unless you "make a deal" with christ. This is merely talking about the legal right for a demon to possess you which is different somehow

Reynold Hall

Stupid, I know. Why does the devil have any rights? He is the first criminal. Any reasonable deity would put him in hell right off the bat instead of letting him roam free for a while

Reynold Hall

It is why the fundy talk of God caring and fighting for our souls etc. means nothing to me