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Stories from the Week

The Prison Strike Is an Overdue Opportunity to End the Slavery of Incarcerated People : politics

Trump cancels Pompeo trip to North Korea, cites lack of 'sufficient progress' on denuclearization : politics

19 Noncitizens Voted Illegally in 2016 in North Carolina, U.S. Charges  

Jim Bakker Won't Wear A Trump Hat For Fear Of 'Being Murdered In The Street' | Right Wing Watch


Caller Asks Alex Jones About the Trans Porn 



Andrew Lindsay

Cecil, you missed the best one ‘nobody puts Bakey in the corner!’

Bill Garthright

Re. political clothing (yes, I'm several weeks behind with these podcasts), I've worn Obama t-shirts - here in Nebraska, which is a very red state - off and on since 2008. These days, I regularly wear RESIST t-shirts, including one that makes the '45' look like a swastika. I wear an "Obama Lama DingDong" t-shirt with pictures of Obama, the Dalai Lama, and Trump. (It's pretty funny.) I wear atheist t-shirts, and I've got a "Friendly Neighborhood Atheist" bumper sticker on my pickup. I've got a blue "Make America America Again" cap, as well as "ITMFA." Long story short, I've NEVER had even a negative comment about any of them. I've had compliments sometimes, but that's all. No one has vandalized my truck. I think the fear about overreactions is hugely overblown. (Note that I'm retired. I never wore this stuff at work, because neither politics nor religion were appropriate at work. But I wear these things everywhere else. Well, maybe not to funerals. :)