Episode 434: Cream of Barely Legal (Patreon)
Stories from the Week
Former Texas regulator is out as CEO at biblically oriented oil firm
Report: 3,677 sex abuse cases in German Catholic Church | Boston Herald
Alabama Pastor Cuts Up Nike Gear from Pulpit: ‘I Ain’t Using That No More’
Susan Collins claims Kavanaugh Crowdpac campaign is a bribe - Vox
FACT CHECK: Pedophile’s Decapitated Corpse Found On Judge’s Doorstep After Bail Hearing?
Trump says 3,000 people did not die in Puerto Rico hurricanes
6 Gross Foods from a 50's Cookbook (That We Taste Tested)
Brian Kemp's Badass Georgia Governor Campaign Ad - YouTube
Thank you to MJ Mouton for joining us:
Follow him on Twitter @mj_mouton
Get his book here: