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Stories from the Week

Demons and Armageddon: details emerge in naked kidnapping case | World news | The Guardian

Blasey Ford 'Involved in Mind-Control Program,' Says Dave Janda and His Obviously Reliable Sources | Right Wing Watch

Gordon Klingenschmitt Decries the 'Homosexualization' of Bert and Ernie | Right Wing Watch

‘People actually laughed at a president’: At U.N. speech, Trump suffers the fate he always feared

Updates From the Riveting Testimonies of Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh - The New York Times

The strangest moments from Donald Trump's UN press conference – video | Global | The Guardian

God Save The Queen




Jonathan Barnhill

1 week of an FBI investigation. Put that on your calendar, you rich entitled lizard asshole!

Tom Hail

Also there was a way to force consensus on a nominee. The filibuster could be used to block a nominee that was too controversial like Kavanaugh and that required a 2/3 vote to break. That died with the Gorsuch/Garland bullshit the the GOP killing that rule.

Nicole Ramirez Lambeth

I'm going to be honest, this may be a skip week for me. I see the thumbnail of the Kavanaugh testimony, and I am already bracing for what I'm going to hear. The last several days have been really hard for several of us, men and women alike. I'm having a visceral response of dread just looking at his angry face. I think I might actually lose it if I listened to him too. Is anyone else kinda terrified of feeling emotion right now, because you know you're skating around an absolute emotional breakdown? I don't want my kids to see me cry the way I feel like I need to. I don't want to traumatize them with my own actions. Again, it's just been a hard week. I need a break for a bit.

Reynold Hall

Can't say as I blame you.