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Pastor: Christians Should Skip the Weddings of Couples That Had Premarital Sex | Sarahbeth Caplin | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Paul Begley: Kavanaugh Allegations Represent 'The Darkest Hour in the Last 150 Years' | Right Wing Watch

Dave Daubenmire: It's 'Sexual Abuse' for Women to Lead Men On | Right Wing Watch

Liz Crokin: Kavanaugh's Confirmation Is the Final Step Before Mass Arrests and Military Tribunals | Right Wing Watch



The Gray Hunter

“A face drawn on a thumb”... I spit coffee out my nose all over the place...


So the conversation between John Shapiro and Dave Rubin got me to thinking about a couple of my friends who are vegans. They definitely think it's immoral to eat meat (they've compared it to cannibalism before), and I eat meat, but I still consider them to be close friends. I can see how this is different from being gay since I choose to eat meat, and a gay person doesn't choose to be gay. I guess I'm just curious about whether you guys really think that it's impossible to genuinely be friends with people who think that some part of your own lifestyle is completely immoral, or if were you speaking more to being friends with someone who thinks that some intrinsic part of who you are is immoral.