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Resources from this episode

Check out the Innocence Project 

The Death Penalty — Civics 101: A Podcast

An Execution in Nebraska - The New York Times

Perfect Evidence - This American Life

DIY - This American Life

Should the Wrongfully Convicted Take an Alford Plea? - The Atlantic 

Can You Prove Your Innocence Without DNA? - The Atlantic

The Wrong Man - The Atlantic 

Jailing the Wrong Man: Mug Shot Searches Persist in New York, Despite Serious Risks - The New York Times

DNA Evidence Exonerates a Man of Murder After 20 Years in Prison - The New York Times

Was It a False Confession in ‘Making a Murderer’? The Supreme Court May Decide - The New York Times

Abolish the Death Penalty | All Debates | Debate | IQ2US Debates

Amazon.com: Watch Ken Burns: The Central Park Five | Prime Video



Coma Ecliptic

The Alford Plea is what allowed the West Memphis Three to finally walk free after 18 years on death row.

joshua macdonald

Why don't we just have a dedicated prosecutor( which is often the role AG's play) and a dedicated defender.

Jessica Wilson

If you have the time to read up on Kerry Max Cook, his is one of the most egregious Alford Plea cases. <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerry_Max_Cook" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerry_Max_Cook</a> What this man went through is unconscionable

That's not your Lawn Tiger

This is normally a podcast that I enjoy making fun in desperate times. Where is it¿ this post ability to autocorrect "it"

Tamara Woodcock

Do more like this! I love the regular format too but variety is good.