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Stories from the Week

Chris Wallace calls Rush Limbaugh a hypocrite -- to his face: 'You were outraged' over Obama's executive actions

Trump administration launches global effort to end criminalization of homosexuality

Catholic cardinals urge end of 'homosexual agenda' - BBC News

White House moves forward with wall funding despite lawsuits - CNNPolitics

USC Forced To Investigate After Church Of Scientology Allegedly Forges Letter From Professor | Daily Wire

Italy’s Schoolteachers Are Being Taught to Deal With the Devil

West Virginia lawmaker says there’s no reason to punish him for comparing LGBTQ community to KKK – ThinkProgress

WY GOP Lawmaker: I Support the Death Penalty Since That’s How Jesus Was Executed | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Reminder our livestream is tomorrow, Sunday, at 3pm CT





Jay Voigt

I totes ❤ you 2 lovely cucks!

Mark Siefert

Cecil, the only way you can watch Battlefield Earth is with the MST3K treatment. Fortunately, such a thing exists: <a href="https://www.rifftrax.com/battlefield-earth" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.rifftrax.com/battlefield-earth</a>

Dan Duivel

I'm actually kind of saddened that you weren't aware of anti-homosexual laws in the Caribbean. Most dirt-poor countries that rely on tourism and/or foreign aid are 😉 That's why we don't go and support them.

Dan Duivel

Speaking of Jeff Bezos' wealth... I read something today that would make your head spin. Even if he never made another cent in his life, based on his current net worth, he could spend over $7.3 million every day for the next 50 years 😲

Kernan Coleman

A million seconds ago = 11 days. A billion seconds ago 30 years. A trillion seconds ago 30,000 years. Numbers are approximate, but you get the idea. Most people have no sense of scale for millions, billions, and trillions.