Episode 140: Atheistically Speaking (Patreon)
2014-03-03 03:38:55
Special thanks to Thomas from Atheistically Speaking for joining us
Ardent Atheists Spread Their Reverence For Disbelief
Teen dies at the hands of Islamic priest performing an exorcism.
29 Boys Killed as Boko Haram Attacks Boarding School in Nigeria
Lively: Anti-Gay 'Revolution' Needed To Stop Demonic 'Conspiracy' To 'Homosexualize The World'
Ugandan Minister for Ethics & Integrity says men raping girls is natural
Arizona passes law allowing shopkeepers to refuse to serve gay people
'EXPOSED!' Ugandan Tabloid Publishes List of 'Top' Homosexuals
Pro-life Virginia Sen. values rights of fetus over those of ‘host,’ which ‘some refer to as mothers’
Church officials blame Minnesota mom for not protecting sons from priest who abused them
Rep. Paul Broun Vows To Vote Only For ‘Biblical’ Laws (Video)
Free thought festival: http://wiscatheists.wix.com/freethoughtfestival
Atheist meetups in IL: http://www.meetup.com/atheists-199/