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Send in your PSaaoSPs (Patron submitted articles and/or stories primarily) and we will chat about them this Thursday on our livestream 10pm CT.


Paul Freelend

‘Guats,’ ‘Tonks’ and ‘Subhuman Shit’: The Shocking Texts of a Border Patrol Agent -- because why perpetuate stereotypes about law enforcement's white supremacist streak when the very subject does it for you? https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/matthew-bowen-border-patrol-trial-847878/ Nicholas Sparks Tried to Ban LGBT Club and Student Protests at His Christian School -- the Thomas Kinkade of the written word turns out to be an awful person. Shocking. https://www.thedailybeast.com/author-nicholas-sparks-tried-to-ban-lgbt-club-student-protests-at-his-christian-school-emails-reveal Trump administration providing ‘false’ information about Gulf of Oman attack, says Japanese tanker owner -- things have regressed so much in Washington that the CIA can't even pull off a proper false flag op anymore. Sad! https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-oman-gulf-tanker-attack-oil-japan-kokuka-courageous-strait-hormuz-a8958916.html

Shane Partington

How about this as a topic? https://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/the-signal/new-zealand-censorship/11215002

Glenda D Kenyon


Glenda D Kenyon

Sorry meant to type that the Koch Bros want to invest with Democrats to prevent another AOC

Judy A Bruhn


Cynthia Abawi


Max Winfrey


Ted Meadows
