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Josh Bernstein: Rep. Ilhan Omar Is a 'Jihadist Terrorist' Who Should Be Charged With Treason | Right Wing Watch

Liz Crokin: Trump Appointed Alex Acosta to Force the Media to Cover Jeffrey Epstein's Arrest | Right Wing Watch

Longtime Linden minister used oral sex in exorcism ritual, men claim

Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele calls evangelicals who support Trump 'the biggest phonies of all'



Big black cockatoo

Ummmm. Same show notes two weeks in a row?

You got the touch, You got the power

Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) not CARE Fear is the goal here so they're not going to acknowledge the other organization. Though I doubt they even know it exist, because when you want to help people you don't try to incite fear. What fear-monger has the time to memorize every organization in existence when you can just spew whatever they happen to read in whatever nut-job forum they wrap themselves in.