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Steve King Asks if There Would Be ‘Any Population’ Left Without Rape and Incest - The New York Times

#CuccinelliResign Trends on Twitter After Controversial Statue of Liberty Immigration Comments

Russian priest suspended for violently baptising baby blames mother for not being religious enough | Newshub

Rick Wiles: Jews Will Use Red Flag Laws to Disarm Christians and Kill Them | Right Wing Watch

Dave Warnock Dying Out Loud




Rina Skazki

Well, that was one great episode, thank you very much for it

Reynold Hall

About that charismatic "speaking in tongues" bullshit? I can relate...that's the religious culture I grew up in. When they did that shit at revivals, you had to want it to happen. You had to let yourself fall backwards to the floor. If you so little as took a step back to keep from falling it would not happen at all. Self brainwashing prompted by "encouraging" peer pressure is all it was.

Kernan Coleman

A lot of it sounds similar. Are they copying other people they hear? There seems to be a lot of "ora shalla baba" across the board.